Guadalupe Regional Medical Center | Health Currents | Fall 2023

Why you need vaccines Vaccines help the body’s immune system fight a particular disease or illness through the development of antibodies. Immunizations have protected millions of people from potentially deadly diseases and have significantly improved the health of all humanity since the first vaccine for cowpox was invented in 1796. Since that time, vaccines have become a welcome safeguard against devastating illnesses such as typhoid, rabies, yellow fever, whooping cough, polio, smallpox, hepatitis, measles, influenza, pneumonia and shingles. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Family Physicians recommend following a schedule of vaccines for children, including: • Diphtheria and tetanus • Measles, mumps and rubella • Chickenpox • Influenza • Hepatitis A and B • Poliovirus • Human papillomavirus Routine and recommended vaccines for adults include influenza, COVID-19 and TDaP (tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough). At age 50, the shingles vaccine is recommended, and after age 65 the pneumonia vaccine is also recommended. Depression isn’t just having “the blues.” It’s a serious medical illness that hangs like a dark cloud over millions of Americans who experience overwhelming sadness or anxiety that lasts for extended periods of time and that affects a person’s ability to function. Signs and symptoms of depression include: • Feeling sad, empty or hopeless • Feeling irritable, anxious or angry • Feeling very tired • Having trouble concentrating or remembering things • Getting too little or too much sleep • Eating too little or too much • Having trouble meeting work or family demands • Experiencing thoughts about suicide Children and teenagers are also susceptible to depression. Symptoms in this age group can include: • Withdrawing from friends and family • Losing energy • Having low self-esteem • Experiencing a change in grades, behavior or eating habits • Experiencing frequent sadness or crying Help is available The Teddy Buerger Center at Guadalupe Regional Medical Center provides a team of mental health professionals to confidently and confidentially treat people with depression or other mental health concerns, such as anxiety, grief, abuse, trauma and stress. Call 830.401.7367 for more information. IT’S REAL, AND IT’S TREATABLE Know the signs of depression | 4