5 | GRMC Health Currents A high-risk pregnancy is characterized by increased health risks for the pregnant person, fetus or both. These risks may arise from pre-existing medical conditions, pregnancy-related complications or lifestyle factors. At GRMC, we offer specialized maternalfetal medicine (MFM) support, ensuring that our patients receive a high level of care throughout their pregnancy journey. In collaboration with San Antonio’s University Health System, we have access to a team of experienced, board-certified MFM specialists. This partnership enables us to deliver advanced expertise directly to our community so patients receive comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs. Providing education and support One increasingly common pregnancyrelated condition is gestational diabetes. Key risk factors for gestational diabetes include family history, inactivity and being overweight. Ann Camacho, RN, BSN, CDE, the Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist at GRMC, provides one-on-one meetings to educate expectant mothers on healthy lifestyle changes and how to lower the risk of potential complications for baby and mother related to uncontrolled blood sugar. Some of the things Ann reviews with her patients include: • Carbohydrate-balanced meal planning • Monitoring blood sugar using a home meter or continuous glucose monitoring • Insulin education • Training and regular physical activity Upgrades for your family ULTRASOUND SERVICES We have a new ultrasound room at the Cyprus building, where board-certified OB-GYN Clint Burrus, MD, and Shaliah Howard, WHNP, provide care. Special care for high-risk pregnancies It is important to schedule these visits as soon as an expectant mother has been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. The appointments are offered by GRMC at no charge, but a physician referral is necessary before the first appointment to establish communication with the ordering provider. Women with gestational diabetes are at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life, stressing the importance of maintaining healthy habits for a lifetime. Including a registered dietitian in their care can also be beneficial for mothers with other chronic conditions like kidney disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. If you’d like more information about gestational diabetes education, contact Ann Camacho at 830.484.4237. To register for a childbirth education class, register online at grmedcenter.com/medical-services/ obstetrics-gynecology/classes. To view GRMC’s comprehensive Pregnancy Guide, scan the QR code or visit grmcbirthingcenter.com/ pregnancy-handbook. Childbirth education class GRMC offers a childbirth class designed to help all expecting mothers prepare for labor and birth. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and learn about important topics surrounding the baby’s birth in a nurturing and safe setting. The classes cover a range of information, including strategies to enhance comfort during pregnancy and delivery, techniques for breathing and relaxation, methods for managing pain, and other essential topics.