Guadalupe Regional Medical Center |Health Currents | Summer 2024 | 4 A core element of our hospital is our team of over 80 energetic volunteers who contribute the work hours of 20 full-time employees each year. In addition to their service, the volunteers are continually fundraising for hospital equipment, projects, and to provide scholarships to high school seniors and staff members who aspire to advance their career in healthcare. The legacy of the GRMC Volunteers is currently being honored at the Heritage Museum on River Street. We invite you to visit to learn more about our history. Heroes among us: Honoring our extraordinary hospital volunteers WANT TO MAKE A LASTING IMPACT ON YOUR COMMUNITY? Join our team of dedicated volunteers and become a beacon of hope and support for our patients and their families. Call 830.401.7620. Scan the QR code to watch a YouTube video about one volunteer’s experience. Serving for today and tomorrow Another important group of volunteers is crucial to the leadership and strategic planning of GRMC and Guadalupe Regional Medical Foundation. Both GRMC and GRMF governing boards comprise a wide array of community representatives and professionals who help guide our strategy and operations. We are most grateful to these volunteers for the significant contribution they make to both of our organizations. EMPOWERING EXCELLENCE Cultivating a culture of exceptional physicians The backbone of every successful hospital is its medical staff. At GRMC, our physicians are an integral part of providing exceptional patient care through their expertise and commitment. Our goal is not only to recruit outstanding physicians to care for our community, but also to foster an environment where our doctors enjoy a sense of ownership and belonging. By doing so, our physician culture attracts equally talented colleagues who share a passion for medicine and dedication to community.